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WEB SITE PRIVACY POLICY according to UE Regulation 2016/679

In compliance with Article 13 of UE Regulation no. 2016/679, our Company Emicon A.C. SPA, located in Via R. Brusi no. 37- CAP 47521 – Cesena (Italy), as data controller, declares that personal data processing, including e-mail address and any further data provided by filling out the forms included in the PROMOTIONS section of our Website, will be used for the following purposes.
Processed Data type and processing purposes
Emicon AC Spa via R. Brusi no. 37 – CAP 47521 – Cesena, will obtain and treat only personal data and, if required, fiscal ones; under no circumstances we’ll treat data which can be defined “Particular” in according to the Article 9 of Regulation no.697.
The personal data provided to Emicon ac SPA, via R. Brusi no 37 – CAP 47521 – Cesena will be used to the following purposes:
a. To meet specific requests sent to Emicon AC SPA, via R. Brusi no. 37 – 47521 – Cesena through its Website;
b. For sales, advertising and promotional messages of Emicon AC Products and Services.

Providing data need
The communication of personal data is compulsory in order to carry on the user’s requests. It is instead free for any promotional or marketing purpose as stated in point B). If personal data are partially or totally not supplied, it could be impossible to fulfill the interested party’s request and it will stop anyway any promotional and marketing activity.
Personal data treating mode
Personal Data are organized in paper archives and electronic database; they are processed through manual, IT and telematics tools using suitable procedures able to grant their safety and confidentiality, in compliance with the safety measures based on GDPR (art.32) articles.
Personal data knowledge scope
Personal data are known by EMICON A.C. SPA personnel and specifically by the following departments: sales, accountancy, technical, logistic, purchase, service, quality, warehouse, secretary.
Data widespread
Personal data can be communicated by Emicon AC SPA to third parties, such as:
Banks, for payment management
Credit insurance institutes, for pending invoice management
Forwarders, traco services, runners or raiders, Post offices for goods shipping/receipt;
Professionals, such us law offices, for the rights defense during the business relationship;
External marketing companies, appointed by the company;
External company supplying Web hosting and Website management.
External company supplying company IT programs management and maintenance.
Personal data will be widespread under no circumstances.

Personal data processing owner and liable
Owner of data processing is the company EMICON AC SPA via R Brusi n. 37 CAP 47521 Cesena.
Liable of the data processing is Mr. Paolo Girardi.

Exercise of the Rights stated in articles 15-21 of the Regulation 679.

At whatever time you can assert your rights as stated in the GDPR, sending a request to the company Emicon AC SPA via R.Brusi n.37 CAP 47521 Cesena, or sending an e-mail to:

Consent your personal data entry in the electronic database for its products and services marketing, sales and advertising purposes.

Personal data entered in the Website of the data controller company can be used for sending direct sales or advertising material or to carry on market surveys or commercial communications by phone or paper mail, only if the interested subject is not registered to the Oppositions Public Register, or if he gives explicit consent.

What Cookies are.
EMICON AC SPA Website uses cookies to make its services simple and efficient for its Web visitors. They will have a very small amount of info saved in their devices (PC or mobile devices) in small text files named “cookies” stored in the directories used by the user’s web browser. There are different kind of cookies. Some of them will make the web use more efficient, others will enable specific functions.

Web-Owner Cookies
- Technical Cookies
The site uses “technical” cookies only, such as browsing or session ones, functional or analytic ones, which are realized and used by the Web Manager.
- Browsing and session cookies
They are used to improve the Website normal browsing.
- Analytic Cookies
They are used and realized by the Site Manager only, to gather collective and anonymous information on how many people visit the site and how they visit it-
Data collected through Google Analytics could be used by Google as well, following its service terms in :https:/
There are no profiling cookies used by the Website Manager or by Third Parties.

Cookie Installation/Uninstallation. Browser Options
The user can oppose the cookies recording on its own device through the configuration of the used browser; if he visits the Website without changing the Browser settings, it is assumed that he’d likes getting all the cookies used by the Website and using all its functions.

Here below some link to enable / disable the Browser cookies:

- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari
- Internet Explorer